Final Thoughts

Only four months ago, we took a look at one of the lowest priced 30" LCD TVs and technology has changed enough since then to warrant a change in thinking about LCDs in the consumer electronics space. The Syntax LT-30 Olevia is priced under $2000, about $300 less than we were originally quoted on the LWX-30AMS.

The Syntax LT-30 is not perfect - the minor flaws in resolution and lack of a PC driver do hurt the monitor's chances with high end enthusiasts. Granted, those serious about home entertainment are more likely to opt for a larger DLP or LCOS screen capable of 1080p.

In many ways, we feel that the Syntax Olevia was the 30" LCD which we should have seen the first time around. Rich features, solid performance, a great audio bundle and excellent price point. At a considerably lower cost than 30" Samsung, Sharp and Philips LCDs, Syntax outperforms most of the large screen LCD TVs that we have seen this year. Kudos to Syntax for putting high performance in such an unexpected package, and we look forward to seeing more high quality LCD products from them in the future.

Subjective Analysis
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  • MAME - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link

    Stealing apple's thunder

    $1k cheaper and no $600 video card to drive it

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