Sorenson Squeeze 6

We are using Sorenson Squeeze to convert eight AVCHD videos into HD Flash videos for use on websites. This application heavily favors physical core count and processor clock speed.

Application Performance - Sorenson Squeeze 6 - i5 661 CPU


WinRAR 3.9 x64

This benchmark compresses our AT workload consisting of a main folder that contains 954MB of files in 15 subfolders. The result is a file approximately 829MB in size.

Application Performance - WinRAR 3.90 x64 - i5 661 CPU @ Stock


Bibble 5.0

We utilize Bibble Labs' Bibble 5 v2 to convert 50 RAW image files into full size JPEG images with the program's default settings. This program is fully multithreaded and multi-core aware.

Application Performance - Bibble 5 Pro


File Transfer to USB

In this test we use Sharkoon's USB QuickPort with a 1TB Western Digital hard drive and transfer a 1GB file from a 1TB HDD connected to the Intel PCH.

1GB File Transfer to USB 2.0 - Core i5 661 CPU

USB 2.0 transfer times are not class leading for the H55N-USB3, however, we can give one mark to Gigabyte for supporting USB 3.0 on this board as standard. Demands for the technology have not quite taken off yet, but there are some gains to be had even if you can't afford the fastest SSDs to team up with the Sharkoon drive bay. Of course, the importance of these gains comes down to how often you transfer large files over to an external drive, and if time is of the essence.

Gaming and 3D Performance Final Words
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  • Rajinder Gill - Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - link


    Yes, you can do that if you can get the right screws and washers to fit the H50 from somewhere. Or use a washer/nut combo as the poster below said. Just be sure not to overtighten.

  • tlmaclennan - Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - link

    Why not just figure out the thread and length of the mounting screws and get slightly longer ones from a hardware store or McMaster-Carr. Then grab four spacers for that screw size so that you can raise the bookplate over any components that you need to clear. Or just do away with the back-plate and use small nuts.
  • shamans33 - Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - link

    Just to verify...You can't run IGP and discrete graphics at the same time on the H55 chipset (and therefore on this board).....Correct?
  • shamans33 - Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - link

    The motherboard manual has a reference to running both at the same time, they describe it as "dual view" but I just want to double check...
  • Rajinder Gill - Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - link


    Yes, I have tried this with a GTX 275 and a Clarkdale i5-655K. There is an option in BIOS to force the IGP on. Windows 7 will see both devices and you can extend displays.

    Hope this helps.
  • shamans33 - Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - link

    Thank you for checking. :)

    Anandtech should have a checklist table of non-standard features on every motherboard review.
  • Rajinder Gill - Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - link

    Thanks for the suggestion. I do try and keep on top of these things but sometimes things do slip by when you're trying to cover everything you can.

  • shamans33 - Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - link

    Do you know of any upcoming AMD ITX motherboards?
  • HTPCJim - Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - link

    When I think Mini-ITX, I think HTPC. Sadly, I still havent seen a mini ITX MB with built in wireless and a PCIe slot for an OTA tv tuner which are the missing ingredients for an HTPC.
  • shamans33 - Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - link

    There's motherboards made by zotac that do that....

    For maximum compatibility, you should go with Zotac 9300 motherboards though. It's a very mature motherboard

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