Palit GeForce GTS 450 Sonic Platinum

The third card in our roundup is Palit’s GeForce GTS 450 Sonic Platinum, their top-tier factory overclocked card. Palit is shipping this card at 930MHz core and 1000MHz (4GHz effective) memory, for a 147MHz (18%) core overclock and 98MHz (11%) memory overclock. In terms of core speed this is the fastest card in our roundup, edging out the next card by 5MHz.

With regards to hardware, right off the bat the Sonic Platinum sets itself apart from our other cards. Using a custom PCB, Palit has shaved over an inch off the length of a reference GTS 450, giving the card a final length of only 7.4” and easily the shortest GTS 450 card we’ve seen. Palit looks to have accomplished this by packing the card’s components tighter together, allowing them to cut down on the PCB length. The card’s component selection is unremarkable, and like the rest of the GTS 450 cards today is equipped with 8 4GHz Samsung GDDR5 chips.



Interestingly, Palit also moved the 6pin PCIe power socket; even with this shorter card they still moved it to the top, so the Sonic Platinum should fit in any space where there’s enough room for the PCB without needing to worry about PCIe power cables. Normally when we see shorter cards we see the PCIe power socket on the rear of the card, so it’s a pleasant surprise that Palit “gets it” and puts it up top to minimize the amount of clearance required behind the card.

Sitting on top of the card is Palit’s second customization: the card’s cooler. Here Palit is using a heatsink + heatpipe design, with a copper baseplate mounted to the GPU and leading to two copper heatpipes that run in to the card’s aluminum heatsink. In terms of size the heatsink runs most of the length of the card, but it’s shorter than the Asus heatsink. Sitting on top of the heatsink is the card’s 80mm fan, which is attached to the plastic shroud running the length of the card. As was the case with the shroud on the reference GTS 450, Palit’s shroud is only partially enclosing, and directs air out the front and the rear of the card. It’s screwed down at the front and the rear of the card, providing the necessary reinforcement for the PCB.

Finally, Palit has also gone an interesting direction with the parts. Again to make a comparison to the reference GTS 450, Palit has increased the number of ports by partially obstructing the ventilation of the card. Here Palit has moved the 2nd DVI port to the 2nd slot, allowing them to fit a full-sized HDMI port, a DVI port, and a VGA port on the first slot. Although this would seem to put the card at a disadvantage compared to the reference design when it comes to cooling, in practice our results show that this overclocked card does just as well as our less power hungry reference cards, so Palit looks to be pushing more hot air in to the case rather than venting it outside. As such we surmise you’ll want a bit better cooling for your case with this card than with a reference card.

Rounding out the package is a molex to PCIe power adaptor, and the usual driver CD and quick start manual. Amusingly, this is easily the most generic pack-in set we’ve ever seen – Palit doesn’t even bother to label the manual or CD with their name - instead they’re NVIDIA-labeled.

Finally, the card comes with Palit’s standard 2 year warranty. Palit is pricing the card at $160, the most expensive card in today’s round and a full $30 above the price of a reference GTS 450. As we’ll see it’s certainly a well-built card, but Palit is running head-first in to NVIDIA’s overarching pricing strategy here, and as a result the card is only $10 cheaper than the GTX 460 768MB.

EVGA GeForce GTS 450 FTW Calibre X450G
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  • gwolfman - Monday, September 13, 2010 - link

    When do we get our first single slot Fermi? I'd like one to offload my PhysX. Any ideas?
  • Slash3 - Monday, September 13, 2010 - link

    Looks like an error on the first page's chart, the memory clock box for the reference card should be at a 3.6GHz data rate and not 4.6GHz, correct?
  • anactoraaron - Monday, September 13, 2010 - link

    And their responce to the bending issue is why they are just the best to work with (and buy from) for anything - including RMA's. They are first in that category (customer service) hands down. Over the course of 7 years, I have had to RMA something (at least one item) to ASUS, HIS (the worst by far), Gigabyte and EVGA. EVGA FTW!
  • Voldenuit - Monday, September 13, 2010 - link

    Warping, like all of life's problems, is just a special case of bending.
  • Shadowmaster625 - Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - link

    You guys should simulate 2-3 months of heavy dust collecting inside a PC case. Then run the furmark power consumption and heat tests. Then you might understand why people want a card like the Calibre X450G.
  • HangFire - Thursday, September 16, 2010 - link

    2-3 months does not make for heavy dust in any of my PC cases. 2-3 years would, but none run that long before getting cleaned out.

    The real market for the Calibre would be the silent PC crowd, who would otherwise pay extra for an Accelero (or other aftermarket GPU cooler), and would be happy to pay a smaller premium for a pre-installed cooler- and keep their warranty too.
  • tech6 - Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - link

    Since you can get a 5770 from NewEgg for $125 (with rebate) and GTX460 for $170, I don't see why any of these cards make much sense unless they will be heavily discounted.
  • JPForums - Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - link

    <quote>Since you can get a 5770 from NewEgg for $125 (with rebate) and GTX460 for $170, I don't see why any of these cards make much sense unless they will be heavily discounted. </quote>

    At $130 straight up these GTS450s make plenty of sense (especially if you don't want to deal with the sometimes less than reliable rebate system). They may not be quite as good a value as a $125 HD5770, but they are still a good buy. (particularly if you require an nVidia card) Of course, a GTX460 will net you a healthy performance boost for an equally healthy price bump.
  • Spazweasel - Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - link

    They still do. Look in the part number. If it ends in "AR" it's lifetime warranty, if it's "TR" the warrant is (I think) 2 years. The price difference is generally 10 to 20 dollars, depending upon the base price of the part.
  • shin0bi272 - Tuesday, September 14, 2010 - link

    Id rather have a gtx470 super overclock from gigabyte. yeah its twice the price but its more than twice the speed. The gigabyte 470 soc out performs a gtx480 but costs 100 bucks less. So why go out and have to buy 2 450's to get halfway decent performance when you could buy 1 470 and spend the same amount?

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