ColorVision Spyder

Before running DisplayMate and our subjective analysis of the LCD, we ran ColorVision's Spyder and OptiCal software. Not only does this calibrate the monitor accurately on the DVI and analog interface, but it also gives us specific luminescence information not obtainable through subjective analysis. Special thanks to our friends at ColorVision for providing us with both a ColorVision Spyder and their OptiCal software.

Our test bed uses a Radeon 9800 XT video card. We use the factory included DVI cable for this portion of the benchmark. Resolutions are on the native 1280x768.

And here is what our Spyder and OptiCal software have to say:

As far as LCDs go, the Syntax LT-30 was calibrated very well before we ran our ColorVision analysis. Curves appeared tighter on the Olevia unit even though the Albatron uses a nearly identical panel.

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  • MAME - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link

    Stealing apple's thunder

    $1k cheaper and no $600 video card to drive it

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