Full Screen Application - TV

480i (NTSC) - A significant advantage that the Olevia 30" has over the Albatron 30" LCD is its ability to format the screen into 4:3 for NTSC and PAL signals.

480p - Using a progressive scan DVD player, we were able to obtain our 480p signal. If anything, we test the ability of our Silicon Image and PixelWorks processors to determine if they are correctly converting our 480 line DVD movie onto a 768 line LCD.

1080i - Visually, on a screen this size, we really should not be able to tell the still image difference between a 720p and a 1080i signal. Any 1080i image is stepped down to 720 lines, since our screen can only display 768 pixels vertically. We used HD WMV9 samples from Microsoft.com's "Coral Reef Adventure" for our testing purposes.

Click to enlarge.

720p - This is where we should see the real showcase of the Syntax LCD TV in all of its glory. The signal is not being stepped and we should be able to detect progressive scan working during the images with fish moving rapidly.

Click to enlarge.

ColorVision Spyder Full Screen Application - Gaming
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  • MAME - Wednesday, June 30, 2004 - link

    Stealing apple's thunder

    $1k cheaper and no $600 video card to drive it

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