Testing Results, Maximum Fan Speed

Our maximum speed testing is performed with both the fans and the pump of the kit powered via a 12V DC source. This input voltage should have the pump and fans matching the speed ratings of the manufacturer. The Silent Wings 3 fans rotate at just a little below their rated speed, with our tachometer reading 1590 RPM. We got the exact same speed readings from both fans, a hint of good manufacturing consistency.

Average Thermal Resistance

Core Temperature, Constant Thermal Load (Max Fan Speed)

The thermal performance of the Silent Loop 2 280 mm cooler initially appears unimpressive in comparison to other AIO coolers of similar size. The average thermal resistance of 0.081 °C/W may be adequate for a modern CPU, but is a figure that many other similarly sized – and even smaller – products can achieve. That includes Be Quiet!’s older Pure Loop range of AIO coolers.

Fan Speed (12 Volts)

In complete contradiction to the thermal performance results, the acoustics performance of the Silent Loop 2 is exceptional. With both of its fans at maximum speed, our meter took a reading of just 37.4 dB(A). It is an audible figure but one that would be comfortable for typical daytime use. We could not discern any noise coming from the liquid pump at all.

Noise level

Testing Results, Low Fan Speed

Using a PWM voltage regulator, we reduced the speed of the fans manually down to half their rated speed, which is 800 RPM for the Silent Wings 3 140 mm fans. The pump was also connected to the same power source, functioning properly at this low speed setting.

Average Thermal Resistance

Core Temperature, Constant Thermal Load (Low Fan Speed)

Thermally, the results indicate that the Silent Loop 2 performs similarly to other comparable AIO cooler designs, yet is a step behind most. The average thermal permittance of 0.1026 °C/W is a good figure but hardly impressive for a 280 mm liquid cooler. At first sight, one can discern that even some designs with 240 mm radiators perform better – however, a closer look reveals that the fans of the Silent Loop 2 rotate at a very low speed during this test.

Fan Speed (7 Volts)

Much like our previous tests, the noise output of the Be Quiet! Silent Loop 2 under these operating conditions is extremely low, at just 32.1 dB(A). To regular human ears, this is entirely inaudible from a distance of one meter. There also is no noise coming from the main block assembly at all, with the pump managing to operate without even the slightest hydrodynamic noise coming from it. Although the Be Quiet! Silent Loop 2 does not sit all by itself at the top of the chart, 32.1 dB(A) is the lowest sound pressure level figure we have recorded from AIO coolers to this date.

Noise level

Thermal Resistance VS Sound Pressure Level

During our thermal resistance vs. sound pressure level test, we maintain a steady 100W thermal load and assess the overall performance of the coolers by taking multiple temperatures and sound pressure level readings within the operating range of the stock cooling fans. The result is a graph that depicts the absolute thermal resistance of the cooler in comparison to the noise generated. For both the sound pressure level and absolute thermal resistance readings, lower figures are better.

This graph reveals the true strength of the Silent Loop 2 AIO cooler, which is no other than silent operation. The thermal resistance range of the cooler is small, suggesting that only a significant change in the speed of its fans would make a tangible performance difference. Regardless, the Silent Loop 2 achieves these thermal resistance figures at significantly lower dB(A) than other similarly sized AIO coolers. Only custom liquid cooling kits that are significantly more powerful (and expensive) have a notable performance edge over the Silent Loop 2.

Testing Methodology Final Words & Conclusion
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  • tygrus - Thursday, September 7, 2023 - link

    You can use a closer distance (eg. 12½cm) & assume at 1m will be much quieter. If ideal then at 12½cm is 18dB louder than at 1m, in reality it maybe 12dB different. At >1m a speaker sounds would drop 6dB per doubling of distance. 2x 24dB of the same sound would be 3dB louder than 1.
    2x perceived volume adds 10dB.
  • deporter - Friday, September 8, 2023 - link

    >You can use a closer distance (eg. 12½cm) & assume at 1m will be much quieter.

    Yes, sure, but they measured from 1 meter. It says so on page 2.
  • mr2ns - Friday, September 8, 2023 - link

    In the first paragraph of the Conclusion "Wrapping things up..."

    1) I am not sure if the performance description "within the realm of mediocrity" and the assessment "without significantly sacrificing effective heat dissipation" go together. You must have a low initial expectation bar for mediocre to not be a significant sacrifice.

    2) While I certainly agree with professionals you included “enthusiasts”? We appear to have different ideas of what constitutes an enthusiast. Is an enthusiast just someone that owns a pc and runs it stock? I feel like we have another low expectation bar here. I am a big believer that everyone has their own use case but unless they are silent pc enthusiasts, I have trouble accepting that “enthusiasts” who significantly prioritize noise to the point of accepting mediocre thermal performance are anything but a niche market.
  • PeachNCream - Saturday, September 9, 2023 - link


    1) It really is mediocre among AIO water cooling in terms of results so that's 100% reasonable.

    2) No one, to my knowledge, has gotten that specific about what constitutes an enthusiast aside from the fact that, in terms of people that own PCs, they are a pack of idiots that are easy to sell googaws to by slapping a fast car, dragon, or a big boob girl on the package in order to pump them for money while they aspire to waste electricity and manufacturing capacity.
  • mr2ns - Saturday, September 9, 2023 - link

    right, I wasn't disputing the mediocre, just saying that calling it mediocre than saying that using it isn't sacrificing effective heat dissipation are not congruent thoughts.
  • meacupla - Saturday, September 9, 2023 - link

    It can handle a 340W load. It's more than enough for desktop CPUs.
  • mr2ns - Saturday, September 9, 2023 - link

    Where did "handle" even entered this conversation? Literally every cooler in the chart can handle 340W but without you providing some further context to what you mean, what does that have to do with the price of fish?
  • meacupla - Saturday, September 9, 2023 - link

    Do you know how to read graphs? It's pretty obvious you can read, but can you comprehend what is being said?

    Look at the graphs for Maximum fan speed, Core temp, 340W.
    It says "25.8C delta over ambient".
    That means, if you're in a 20C room, core temp would be at 45.8C.
    That would be a good result.
    If you can't understand that, you need to go back to school.
  • mr2ns - Monday, September 11, 2023 - link

    Yes, I know how to read but that really isn't the question so much as can YOU read, or did you just jump into a random comment to ramble off course?
    I pointed out that the author called thermal performance mediocre THEN goes on to say, "without significantly sacrificing effective heat dissipation". Those thoughts are not congruent. They do not agree. Pick one, not both.
    Do you understand what I am saying now, or do you REALLY want to continue shaking your fists at the sky about what it can handle? The performance was never my dispute, the author’s contrary thought expression is. So again I ask you, how does your initial or elaborated comment disagree with my expression that the author’s two thoughts do not belong together? It seems to me that you agree with me as you contend it is a good result, not mediocre as the author stated.

    If you were intending to respond to PeachNCream where they said that its performance IS mediocre then there is a handy reply button, and probably always was, after their comment instead.

  • PeachNCream - Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - link

    Please don't drag me into this one. I get what you're saying but I was trying to add a little more context. Modern writers often stop writing, look at a phone, and then resume. That creates disjointed thoughts like the one you highlighted as a bit mismatched. I get it. I even agree to an extent, but I also see the fact that it doesn't really stand out all that much among water-cooled AIOs so it still makes a bit of sense even if its obvious the writer was distracted and no one bothered to do any editing before publication.

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